Apocalyptic – a film by Glen Triggs
How are you on this lazy Sunday afternoon? If you’re like me you’ve spent your weekend sleeping in, watching movies and trying to do as little as possible. Not so, for Glen Triggs who is currently knee deep in the production of an ambitious horror movie. ‘Apocalyptic is about a local news crew who become horribly involved with a doomsday cult. Video journalist Jodie Black and cameraman Kevin Horner enter the secret cult world of the Bytherainians. A hidden community of women and children lead by Michael Godson, who claims to be the body of a living god. Delving into their beliefs and fears Jodie finds herself torn between filming the final days of these delusional women or trying to save them. Or is there more to the story than meets the eye?’
Apocalyptic explores the nature and ethics of journalism and throws in blood, gore, horror and a doomsday cult for good measure. What’s not to love. Check out our quick interview with director Glen Triggs. No doubt we’ll keep you updated. – Enjoy