The Monsters Eye, ,

Details for Ryan Nicholson’s COLLAR is right here!

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Hey Monster Freaks, book an appointment with the shrink and get those barf buckets ready! Canada’s very own provocateur of gore Ryan (GUTTERBALLS) Nicholson is back with another onslaught to our somewhat jaded senses.

This time it’s called COLLAR, Ryan told me the idea came to him after a nightmare he had, Jesus Christ in a jumping Castle. His films give me nightmares but a horror film based from his nightmares? He says “It is the most grim film I have ever tackled. Dark subject matter, not campy like my normal fare. He continues ….

The plot is about a Rookie cop while attending a routine complaint, a derelict with a reputation of satanic violence, attacks the officer and “collars” him with a dog leash welded to a shopping cart. As the insane bum pushes the captive cop block after block, he maims and mutilates those on the way. Onlookers do nothing to help and film the atrocities with their cell phones.”It’s a spectacle of of the macabre

Ryan says “It’s a social commentary on social media and the filming of fights, rapes and murders for views.Its a balls out, cringe inducing gorefest filled with sexual violence and brutality

Brilliant just how we all love it here at Monster. COLLAR starts shooting mid November and is backed by German group Illusions Ent. who are producing along with with Ryan’s own company PLOTDIGGER and Adam Torkel,James Morgart and Keryn Thompson.

The film stars James Duvall from DONNIE DARKO and SLC PUNK, Nick Principe and Mihola Terzic. The FX are being built by GUTTWEBALLS/HANGER FX designer Michelle Grady and “THE PROFANE EXIT”, “SEED 2” FX designer Megan Nicholson, SEED 2’s and Wolfgang Meyer is also the DP.

I’d like to thank Ryan for this info and here’s a look at the brilliant artwork …


Cheers to Jason Driver for this amazing update and scoop!

About the author: Admin

Monster Pictures is a Melbourne-based distribution / production company dedicated to delivering the most energetic, unique, creative, innovative, provocative, bizarre, frightening, challenging, surreal, offbeat, absurd, twisted, demented, raunchy, cinema in the world today.

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