Set in 1976, five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an isolated compound known as ‘Murderworld’. On Halloween, they are thrown into a sadistic game called “31” where they must survive 12 hours against a gang of maniacs dressed like clowns.
With characteristic flair and zero remorse, Rob Zombie’s latest cinematic nightmare is a carnage-laced road trip into violence and viscera. Don’t get too attached to anyone or anything in this baby, because all bets are off!
"A cinematic Jägerbomb: definitely not good for you, but gets the job done.
The Guardian
"Rob Zombie has become the Woody Allen of horror movies."
"Rob Zombie has created a timely horror movie that riffs on many of the same factors which have given rise to Donald Trump's presidential candidacy."
"31 is a horror show delivered in hammer blows."
"A ton of blood-soaked fun that gives us real characters, introduces us to some incredibly twisted assassins and goes for broke at every possible turn."
Daily Dead