The days of picking up a scratchy and unwound VHS from the local video store are well, and truly, gone. “Be kind, rewind” is no longer a mantra that the coming generations will have drilled into ‘em, nor will they experience the pleasure of watching a VHS to the point of rendering it damaged and unwatchable. Nowadays – as us old folk say – film, television, and anything else besides is accessible through the ‘net. Video on demand provides the viewer with the digital world at their fingertips through our televisions, our computers, even our videogame consoles; we are spoilt […]
If you watch enough films you get yourself, and your expectations, into a rut. You lock yourself into certain conventions. You develop ideas about what a film can and can’t do; what it should and shouldn’t be. For example: In a slasher movie the villain always needs to wear a mask. In a monster movie we shouldn’t see the creature too much. If it’s a buddy cop movie, by jingo they need to be an odd couple who learn to love each other.
Then, once every few years, a film comes along and turns ‘conventional logic’ on its head and […]