By visiting this blog, I figure it means you have an interest in Japanese cinema. I don’t mean old school Kurosawa / Ozu (which I respect and love) or the modern dramatic stuff populated by “idols” (which I loath and enjoy hating on when the opportunity arises), but the so-called extreme cinema that features buckets of blood, rushed-to-completion CG effects, and a generous amount of cute girls. However, before getting to the good stuff, I’d like to make my first entry at Monster Blogs an introductory piece. I’ll try to stay on point because, if you’re like me, you probably […]
HI FREAKERS, the TRASHARAMA Film FestEVIL is crawling out of its filthy stinking grave again to reap some havoc with more SICK and TWISTED fillums in 2013. I’d like to thank Neil and the MONSTER PICTURES for the encouragement to continue and for taken us under their batted wing. It’s been on a hiatus for a few years but now the coffin’s BEER and PIZZA supply has run low so it’s time to re-emerge. As usual we’ve added bit of a feindly competition to the show with some great prizes to be grabbed.
Thanx to Monster Pictures, Zombie Glamour, Midnight […]
Well Monsterites Perth Monster Fest has come and gone and oh what a blast it was!
For all of you Perth Monsterfreaks who turned up to pay homage to some of the coolest and nastiest little genre flicks on the planet, we tip or little Monster caps and say a heart felt “THANK YOU”!
Particular thanks goes to Alex Dermer, Vanessa Gudgeon, Lindsay Hallam, Travis Johnstone and to anyone else who stepped in to help out – we appreciate it enormously!
Also a huge thank you must go out to Ingrid van den Berghe, Tony Bective and all the team […]