Is a SPAWN remake happening?
One film we probably can all agree on that needs a remake is SPAWN. The comic series had a film in the mid-90’s where comic book adaptations were generally very poor and it was not at all well received.
So is a reboot in the works? Well according to Todd McFarlane it definitely is in the cards!
McFarlane has stated that he has made a deal in which he would write, produce and direct the reboot of SPAWN. The budget should be decent and they could get a known name on board to star.
He said that he sees it as more of a horror movie, a thriller and not really a comic book type of film. The script is meant to be delivered by the years end and the film is looking to get into production next year.
Hopefully if this does happen, it will be the SPAWN films fans need and wash the taste of the other one right away.
Source: Total Film