The Monsters Eye,

You have got to be shitting me? An EXORCIST tv series?

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So apparently adapting classic films into reworked tv series is the in thing with the relative success of the reboot for tv BATES MOTEL and HANNIBAL.

It looks as though the property of THE EXORCIST could be the latest to find a new home on tv screens. Morgan Creek who own the property at the moment are shopping it around, with Jeremy Slater attached as the writer.

They have done this before with a different writer and there wasn’t much interest, it seems there is with this current take.


Not sure what the take actually is, since it hasn’t been revealed. Would it focus on a possession for the season? Would there be exorcisms every episode? How would this work?

The Discovery Channel went down the route with an exorcism tv documentary/reenactment series called THE EXORCIST FILES that had Priests sharing their stories. It wasn’t bad but that sort of work of thing worked, not sure how the fictional series is going to.

We shall wait and see!

Source: Deadline

About the author: Admin

Monster Pictures is a Melbourne-based distribution / production company dedicated to delivering the most energetic, unique, creative, innovative, provocative, bizarre, frightening, challenging, surreal, offbeat, absurd, twisted, demented, raunchy, cinema in the world today.

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