After much hoping and wondering, it seems the Hoyts website has come to the rescue. INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 is listed in their coming soon section and it has a release date.
The latest horror film from home grown talent James Wan is set to hit our screens on November 7th, not too far away but not quite in time for the Halloween season (not that we really celebrate it here).
Hopefully nothing changes and the film does indeed get a theatrical run, horror seems to really get the shaft here – a bit silly if you ask us eh!
Have you heard about HELLBENDERS? If not, please read on because we have some cool goodies for it here.
HELLBENDERS is an upcoming film from J.T. Petty, who wrote and directed it plus wrote the graphic novel. The film has a great cast that includes the likes of Clifton Collins Jr. and Clancy Brown. Interested yet? Of course you are because who doesn’t absolutely love those two?
The film is a horror/comedy, and the red band (aka unrated) trailer recently hit the interwebs and the poster has also just hit. So check them all out and definitely keep this on […]
Not a lot has been said or really brought out about BACKMASK, the latest film from Marcus Nispel. Well some new pictures have surfaced, so why not take a look?
Also included is a poster and synopsis, you may as well get to know the film. There is currently no release, the film doesn’t have distribution, which seems odd as Nispel is a known name and has had success. I do like his films, and this does seem quite different.
What do you fiends think? Are you a Nispel fan? Interested in this one?
Monster are no stranger to body horror films, I mean just go take a look at our range *wink*
Anyway, at The Monsters Eye we aim to bring you all sorts of film news and a little trailer has popped up that we thought you may enjoy. Many thanks to AITH for bringing it to our attention.
The film in question is body horror in theme, its called CONTRACTED and this looks nasty and probably something you fiends would want to check out. The trailer is available below, no word on when it comes out, I think the US gets […]
THE GREEN INFERNO is getting talked about quite a bit, the film screened recently and naturally there is a lot of buzz.
While on the look out for news on the film, I came across this neat little video of the cast and crew talking about the film from TIFF (Toronto Film Festival).
Since there is currently no trailer (hurry up), this is a good one to get you by until then. Eli Roth seems extremely excited about the film, and he should be since its been so long since he’s been in the directors chair.
We are all rather excited for SEE NO EVIL 2, our good friends the Soska Sisters are directing and WWE Superstar Kane is back as the star.
The film is moving at full steam ahead, as in its got its cast (including Scream Queens Danielle Harris and Katherine Isabelle) and guess what? It’s already filming! The first day of filming has been completed, this film will be done before we know it.
There is also a new twitter account so you can follow the films progress, so head to
The Soska’s twitted this, to confirm it’s shooting and they […]
I am sure you fiends out there are fans of Elijah Wood, I mean after his amazing performance in MANIAC how could you not?
Well he’s loving the horror/thriller genre, one of his upcoming films is GRAND PIANO, a new thriller that also stars John Cusack.
A trailer has been released, and yes we do have it for you here. It is however the Spanish trailer, and a US trailer may get released soon as Magnolia Pictures have acquired the rights over there.
Curious as to what this one is about? We have a short synopsis, so check that out […]
INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 3 may be in the pipe line, but will James Wan, director of the first two be along for the ride.
Last week, when discussing the next INSIDIOUS movie, he said he was done with the horror genre – via MovieFone.
“I’m going to go on record and say I am finished with the horror genre” he told moviefone. “THE CONJURING and INSIDIOUS 2 are my two last scary movies.”
Then, a twitter discussion with film critic Scott E Weinberg, Wan said:
if I ever come back to horror (who am I kidding, […]
When Chris Columbus bought the rights to the Norwegian found footage, TROLL HUNTER, in 2011 The Monster’s Eye is sure a few people were a bit skeptical about what the HARRY POTTER director was going to do with less child friendly material.
Well, it looks like the film – a dry witted comedy horror about a disgruntled government worker who kills Trolls – will get a little extra bite with it being confirmed that DOG SOLDIERS’ Neil Marshall taking on directorial duties.
Marshall is presently filing an episode of GAME OF THRONES, but apparently has been given a director’s pass […]