The Monsters Eye, ,

Join like minded folks at Monster Fest for VIDEO NASTIES goodness!

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We here at Monster Pictures are no stranger to controversy, and censorship issues. In a way it sometimes feels like we are back in the 80’s again, with the mind set of those who wanted to ban just about everything!


Even the tame films back then were dubbed sadist and sick, films got to be known as VIDEO NASTIES. Are we in a new wave?

Well you can chime in on the discussion, at our special event VIDEO NASTIES: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE, where the amazing documentary VIDEO NASTIES: MORAL PANIC, CENSORSHIP AND VIDEOTAPE will be screened.

Find out how this whole thing got started and why censorship was being so harsh in the era of the VHS and crazy amounts of exploitation cinema.

An event that is not to be missed at Monster Fest folks!

About the author: Admin

Monster Pictures is a Melbourne-based distribution / production company dedicated to delivering the most energetic, unique, creative, innovative, provocative, bizarre, frightening, challenging, surreal, offbeat, absurd, twisted, demented, raunchy, cinema in the world today.

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