May we all be splayed and rectum probed by angry Englishmen as sure as William Wallace was a Scott. Its true!! The freakin Trasharama web page is FINALLY been updated and ready for movie submissions. YEP, the entry forms are ready to download. You can start posting your short disasterpieces into the nastiest short fillum program in Oz!
We have a new PO Box to send em too as well. That’ll be Po Box 19, Torrensville Plaza, SA. 5031. I’m looking forward to viewing the SICK AND TWISTED delights we get this year. Movies, money, junk food […]
Well Monsterites Perth Monster Fest has come and gone and oh what a blast it was!
For all of you Perth Monsterfreaks who turned up to pay homage to some of the coolest and nastiest little genre flicks on the planet, we tip or little Monster caps and say a heart felt “THANK YOU”!
Particular thanks goes to Alex Dermer, Vanessa Gudgeon, Lindsay Hallam, Travis Johnstone and to anyone else who stepped in to help out – we appreciate it enormously!
Also a huge thank you must go out to Ingrid van den Berghe, Tony Bective and all the team […]
We’ve recently received the word that Larry Cohen will not be able to make the trip down under due to ill health – Eoin Macken (THE INSIDE) has also had to cancel due to a clash with his work commitments.
This is obviously very sad news for Monster Fest, particularly so considering the news that Larry is unwell.
The ticket prices for THE STUFF, MANIAC COP and THE INSIDE have been reduced to regular session prices ($14.00 concession/$18.00 full).
For those who have already purchased tickets we will personally contact you with some value add to make you smile again.[…]
Here they are folks! The short films selected to play at Monster Fest film festival this year! yes after weeks of watching endless short grindhouse magnificence, we’ve finally arrived at the list below. The decision wasn’t easy believe me – there were so many entries it really was a tough thing to hone it down to this final list. It’s amazing just how many sick bastards there are out there in Monster Land. Anyway – here’s the list, remember all the filmmakers selected will get a double pass to the film that their films is paired with + they will […]
Here’s something to tickle the fancy of just every horror fan alive. Richard Bates Jr’s EXCISION had it’s first press screening in the UK yesterday. Now as you can imagine, these press screenings can be a nerve wracking time for anyone involved in the distribution of a film. One rotten fart amongst the crowd could be enough to set off a chain reaction of disapproval which will eventually see its way onto the critics page, spelling disaster for the film.
Well I have some great news about the EXCISION screening my dear ones, not one iota of foul air was […]
F is For Fuck Me Dead, that shit is NASTY! And that’s exactly what you’ll be whimpering when you pop in to the opening night of THE ABCs OF DEATH for what promises to be the most twisted Halloween Opening Night in the history of twisted Halloween Opening Nights!
If you aren’t fucking seriously excited for The ABC’s Of Death, you damn straight oughta be!
This glorious anthology of 26 short films by some of the BIGGEST NAMES IN THE HORROR SPECTRUM is creating shock waves along the shores of horrordom. Stunned festival patrons have been seen staggering out of […]
That’s right folks the ticket that you’ve all been waiting for is officially on sale now through the Cinema Nova website. These tickets are limited to 100 only and amazing value for any of you HARD CORE GENRE HOUNDS desperate to taste what’s on offer at the inaugural Monster Fest.
Lets take a look at what you get in the ticket.
RESERVED SEAT: Yep that’s correct, reserved seats to EVERY MONSTER FEST SPECIAL EVENT, this includes Opening and Closing Night parties (with an exclusive Premium Ticket holders after party), THE INSIDE Presented
Welcome to Monster Mouth people, the place from where all things Monster Pictures will spew!
What better way to kicks things off than with the latest from a little Canadian horror flick that is currently doing the rounds of genre festivals around the world and is, in the process, kicking some serious arse! Of course the flick in question is none other than AMERICAN MARY.
The Soska Sisters much anticipated follow up to DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK had its premiere at London’s Film4 Fright Fest a few weeks back and has just screened at Fantastic Fest in the US […]