Great news for anyone following the progress of the IndieGoGo campaign for Dearest Sister, from director Maddie Do – the film has made it’s target … $10,000 over it’s target and there are still two hours.
You can still contribute, and help this film become even better! The more money the better for Maddie Do and her team.
Maddie Do is the first horror director from Laos, and with the support of the fans she can live her dream and expand Laos’ film contributions. They have not made many films, and with people like Maddie it can only help the […]
Now we all know you Monsters fiends love yourself some MUFF … heads out of the gutter guys and dolls we mean the Melbourne Underground Film Festival. We love and support MUFF, it is their 15th year and we have some news concerning the festival!
It is only a few months away and they need your help to make it better than ever! There is an IndieGoGo crowd fundraiser happening for the event, and you have the chance to donate some spare cash and grab some sweet perks. Find out what is happening by checking out this video from Richard […]