Yesterday news broke out that Fox was rebooting PREDATOR, with Shane Black attached as director and Fred Dekker would flesh out the script. Well apparently that news isn’t entirely correct according to Shane Black himself.
So what is correct? Well Shane Black spoke to Collider, and he cleared a few things up.
“As far as Fred and I are concerned anyway, why start over, when you’ve all this rich mythology yet to mine?” He apparently said he isn’t much into reboots but would be behind sequels with good concepts and added “the idea of expanding and exploring […]
Ahh remakes, that trend isn’t going away is it? Well another film is on the block for a remake, the classic 80’s sci-fi/horror film PREDATOR.
But before you groan, Fox have Shane Black attached to direct. Shane Black is a very competent director, and also a great writer. The fact that Fox have given this to him is promising.
Pictured: Shane Black in the original Predator
Although he does have some projects in the works, this one might take a while. Shane will write the treatment, with Fred Dekker fleshing it out. The pair wrote THE MONSTER SQUAD together, I […]