Set in present day Mumbai the story follows the life of a serial killer Ramanna who is inspired by an infamous serial killer from the 1960s, Raman Raghav. His strange obsession with Raghavan, a young cop with anger management issues and a penchant for unrestrained violence, intensifies as Ramanna senses a kindred spirit, and often creates situations where both of them come face to face.
From the director of the critically acclaimed festival hit Gangs of Wasseypur, PSYCHO RAMAN is a “luridly absorbing serial killer thriller” ( with “lots of edge and grit” (The Hollywood Reporter)
"A glittering hybrid of Bollywood kitsch and Hollywood genre grit"
"A chillingly effective watch"
The Guardian
"A powerhouse in Indian independent cinema”
Screen Daily
Official Selection
Director's Fortnight Cannes 2016
Official Selection
Sydney Film Festival